Measure, understand, and improve your Quality of Hire

HiPeople automatically measures and analyzes your Quality of Hire. Discover hidden insights into your recruiting performance effortlessly!

Measure and analyze quality of hire
Join 1,400+ modern recruiting teams using HiPeople
Unlock the potential of your recruiting process.
Measuring and analyzing your Quality of Hire will help you improve your hiring performance and reach your hiring goals.
10x recruitment output

10x your recruitment output

Build an award-winning recruiting process, backed by data.

lower cost of hire

Lower your Cost of Hire

Leverage Quality of Hire data to decrease your Cost of Hire and employee turnover rates.

Hire the best candidates

Hire the best candidates, every time

Design your ideal recruiting process and hire candidates with the best job fit.

How to measure the Quality of Hire metric?

Quality of hire metric role fit
Identify whether your hire really fits the role they were hired for, and if they can perform in it.
You new hires don't just join your company, they join a team. Uncover if your new hires fit the team they are now part of.
Surface your new hire’s company fit, and learn if they truly fit your culture.
Gather both perspectives: from your new hire and hiring managers

Measure and compare the two perspectives that matter: new hire and hiring manager. Understand if they align on the key metrics that matter the most.

New hire and hiring manager evaluation
Quality of hire analytics dashboard
Discover potential problems and positive trends

Don’t just quantify your Quality of Hire, truly understand it. HiPeople’s Quality of Hire Analytics dashboard lets you dive deep into potential problems you need to address, as well as positive trends worth celebrating.

Create alignment between your new hire and hiring manager.

The quality of your hires, hence their success on the job, depends a lot on their alignment with their hiring manager. Identify early into the employee life-cycle if there are misalignments, and weave them out.

New hire and hiring manager alignment
In-depth quality of hire reports
In-depth reports for in-depth Quality of Hire insights

Share your Quality of Hire reports with your hiring managers and recruiting teams, and empower them to take action. Save hours of work by giving them access to the data that matters to them.

Recommendations for hiring managers

Having data on your Quality of Hire is great. Actually using it is better. Enable hiring managers by sharing data-driven recommendations with them on how they can accelerate their new hires success.

Quality of hire recommendations for hiring managers

Who knew measuring and analyzing your Quality of Hire was so easy?

1. Easy invites

Invite your new hires and hiring managers. Use HiPeople’s fully automated invitation process, or simply add them manually.

Automated invitation process for new hires and hiring managers
2. Automated data collection, bite-sized surveys

HiPeople automatically sends out the Quality of Hire surveys to your new hire and their hiring manager. Completing the survey takes only 3 minutes.

Automated quality of hire surveys
3. Monitor and track trends

Always keep an eye on the development of your Quality of Hire, and identify trends early, and easily. Use the data to improve your hiring process.

Quality of hire trends
ATS automated workflows

Seamlessly integrated in your favorite Applicant Tracking System

Connect HiPeople with your ATS in seconds to automate workflows and keep your data aligned.

Start measuring your Quality of Hire today

Understand what drives your new hire's success and failure. And build on it to improve your hiring process, with data!

Candidate dashboard